I never needed to have anything painted, I just needed to paint. That’s my language.
Katerina A. Cechova
Katerina A. Cechova is a contemporary artist, born in 1977 in Krnov, Czech republic, living and working in Denmark.
Education: Degree in Art, Literature, History of art and Art criticism.
- First prize winner!
The 4 horses of Apocalypse - 1st place in Cubism!
But that wasn’t all - 3rd place went to my cubistic horses - It’s all about the girl and and The Antichrist took 5th place.
Article about this win and my portfolio at Media.com is here:
Currently at easel
160 x 120 cm - oil on canvas, under working title ‘Anna Karenina’, with touch of gothic composition and touch of renaissance, ending up in cubistic views. From dark colors of expressionism moving immediately into brightness and tender beauty of a woman, as well tender sight hound - Russian borzoi, predicting the destiny of Anna ...
Latest work
‘In front on Rubicon - midlife crisis’ 100x100 cm, oil on canvas
Very simple color choice, dark and powerful. Masculinity, expression, time to decide, across the Rubicon with no return.
This 1x1m canvas talks very differently to public, the interpretations are very diverse and very interesting to follow.
In progress
Inspired by expressionism, walking back the roads I did before - strong lines and putting all spell on expression of masculinity and power of a strong man. I decided to press down the colors on my palette, to give real power to the volume and objects. Oil on canvas, 100x100cm
Latest work
‘One night in Oulu’ 50x60 cm, oil on canvas, contemporary oil painting
Story behind this painting was a white night in Oulu, where homeless woman sat down and listened to rock music together with us. She inspired me for this painting, full of dusty light - just like a white night in the north.
Marengo, the Napoleon’s horse is probably one of the most famous horses in the history. White arabian stallion was my inspiration for this 90x70cm oil on canvas - cubistic with symbols referring to the Napoleon’s theme.
I work traditionally - from sketches to canvas. Here are sketches for Marengo painting - catching the anatomy broken to objects and parts.
The Harlequins
With the touch of decadence
Back to cubism and surrealism. 90x70cm, oil on canvas
Synonymous of harlequin colour by Great Danes made the little trick and created a lovely idea of Columbine and Harlequin.
There will be limited art print available - keep eye on the shop!
Latest work
‘Strenght of the pack’ 100x100 cm, oil on canvas, in analytical cubism, impressive size and composition.
Original is available for sale, price on request.
The original in size 1x1m is really a gallery piece and belongs to a big hall with a lot of air around. Several layers of high quality oil and limited palette, created great deepness and strong impression.
Protected by professional varnish, removable branded and high-quality UV and dust protecting, satin.
Provided by Certificate of authenticity, sold directly by the author.
Back to cubism
Back to oils and classical cubism in its purest look. 90x70cm, oil on canvas
Latest work
‘It’s all about the girl’ is a masterpiece in the cleanest style of early cubism. Impressive, strong, heavy and full of powerful action. This painting is for the real lover of modern art.
It is one of the very best, worked till perfection - in composition, light, technical layers of oil colours.
Protected by professional varnish, removable branded and high-quality UV and dust protecting, satin.
Latest work
Guenevere means in Celtic White Wave or White Phantom. Classical crystal cubism at its perfection, oil on canvas.
HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE PRINTS - only 25 pieces are printed in impressive size 45x60cm (18x24")
Latest work
The beauty of sighthounds
Back in oil painting! Nothing can replace the special scent and deepness of oil colors. And sightnounds as models fits the renaissance touch.
Latest work
The Breeder
Supporting project for Dansk Kennel Klub, art prints and posters are available with 100% donation for danish purebred dog organisation. Limited and highly collectible.
Latest work
Danish national breeds
5 danish national breeds, made into a poster with Kronborg castle in background. Part of my art project supporting Dansk Kennel Klub in these hard corona times.

Kat lives near Glamsbjerg on beautiful island Fyn surrounded by nature with wonderful view and high to sky.
Such a wonderful light for an artist!
The island of fairytales - Fyn, Denmark